There are two independent classification systems as described in the NEC. One system, found in Article 500 of the NEC, the other is found in Articles 505 and 506 of the NEC.
Classification System that found in Article 500: - Article 500 divides all hazardous (classified) locations into Classes (I, II & III), Divisions (1 & 2) and Groups (A, B, C, D, E, F & G). Classification System that found in Articles 505 & 506: - Article 505 divides locations having gases and vapors into Class I, Zones (0, 1 & 2) and Gas Groups (IIA, IIB & IIC). - Article 506 divides locations having dusts, fibers or flyings into Zones (20, 21 & 22). [Note] NEC - National Electrical Code of USA GCS Safety Team
【Safety Certification】The Class III Hazardous (Classified) Locations for UL 844 Luminaires8/26/2020 The UL 844 cover fixed and portable luminaires for installation and use in following Class I hazardous (classified) locations: [Note] Main Safety Standard for Hazardous (Classified) Locations Luminaires:
UL 844, Luminaires for Use in Hazardous (Classified) Locations GCS Safety Team The UL 844 cover fixed and portable luminaires for installation and use in following Class II hazardous (classified) locations: [Note] Main Safety Standard for Hazardous (Classified) Locations Luminaires:
UL 844, Luminaires for Use in Hazardous (Classified) Locations GCS Safety Team The UL 844 cover fixed and portable luminaires for installation and use in following Class I hazardous (classified) locations: [Note] Main Safety Standard for Hazardous (Classified) Locations Luminaires:
UL 844, Luminaires for Use in Hazardous (Classified) Locations GCS Safety Team The UL 844 cover fixed and portable luminaires for installation and use in following hazardous (classified) locations:
Class I, Divisions 1 and 2, Groups A, B, C, and D; Class II, Division 1, Groups E, F, and G; Class II, Division 2, Groups F and G; Class III, Divisions 1 and 2 (in accordance with the National Electrical Code, NFPA 70) [Note] Main Safety Standard for Hazardous (Classified) Locations Luminaires: UL 844, Luminaires for Use in Hazardous (Classified) Locations GCS Safety Team 【Safety Certification】Definitions relating to Protective Separation in IEC/EN/UL 61800-5-112/6/2019
[Note] - IEC/ EN/ UL 61800-5-1: Adjustable Speed Electrical Power Drive Systems – Part 5-1, Safety Requirements – Electrical, Thermal and Energy - Basic Insulation insulation applied to live parts to provide basic protection against electrical shock - Supplementary Insulation independent insulation applied in addition to basic insulation in order to provide protection against electric shock in the event of a failure of basic insulation GCS Safety Team Do you know the definition of protective ELV (PELV) circuit and Safety ELV (SELV) circuit in IEC/EN/UL 61800-5-1?
- the voltage does not continuously exceed ELV under single fault as well as normal conditions; - protective separation from circuits other than PELV or SELV; - provisions for earthing of the PELV circuit, or its accessible conductive parts, or both.
- the voltage does not exceed ELV; - protective separation from circuits other than SELV or PELV; - no provisions for earthing of the SELV circuit, or its accessible conductive parts; - basic insulation of the SELV circuit from earth and from PELV circuits. [Note] - IEC/ EN/ UL 61800-5-1: Adjustable Speed Electrical Power Drive Systems – Part 5-1, Safety Requirements – Electrical, Thermal and Energy - Extra Low Voltage (ELV) any voltage not exceeding 50 V ac r.m.s. and 120 V dc. GCS Safety Team 【Safety Certification】Terms Relating to Hardware Configuration of PDS in IEC/EN/UL 61800-5-111/27/2019 ● Terms
- Installation equipment or equipments including at least the PDS and the driven equipment - Power Drive System (PDS) system for the speed control of an electric motor, including the CDM and motor but not the driven equipment - Complete Drive Module (CDM) drive system, without the motor and the sensors which are mechanically coupled to the motor shaft, consisting of, but not limited to, the BDM, and extensions such as feeding section and auxiliaries - Basic Drive Module (BDM) drive module, consisting of a converter section and a control section for speed, torque, current or voltage, etc. [Note] - IEC/ EN/ UL 61800-5-1: Adjustable Speed Electrical Power Drive Systems – Part 5-1, Safety Requirements – Electrical, Thermal and Energy GCS Safety Team
- IEC / EN / UL 61800-5-1: Adjustable Speed Electrical Power Drive Systems – Part 5-1, Safety Requirements – Electrical, Thermal and Energy GCS Safety Team 【Safety Certification】Definition of High-Voltage PDS & Low-Voltage PDS in IEC/EN/UL 61800-5-111/20/2019 Do you know how to define High-Voltage PDS and Low-Voltage PDS in IEC/EN/UL 61800-5-1?
[Note] - IEC / EN / UL 61800-5-1: Adjustable Speed Electrical Power Drive Systems – Part 5-1, Safety Requirements – Electrical, Thermal and Energy - Power Drive System (PDS) system for the speed control of an electric motor, including the CDM and motor but not the driven equipment GCS Safety Team |